If you’ve been hearing weird sounds and feeling cold spots throughout your house, at times it may feel like you’re living in a haunted house. The more plausible explanation, however, is that your abode is having problems related to your heating and cooling systems.
This Halloween season, air conditioning repair contractor Superior Air shares a look at what’s causing those strange noises and cold spots, and what you can do to fix them.

Drafty Places
Decades of scary movies would have us believe that drafts and cold spots signal the presence of ghostly visitors, but the truth is they’re actually caused by air leaks, inadequate insulation and inefficient windows. Leaks can be fixed by adjusting the window sashes, reapplying caulking around the frames or completely replacing the windows. Not addressing drafts, on the other hand, can lead to some truly horrifying consequences, such as high utility bills.
HVAC System Turns Off and On Randomly
Does it sound like someone is randomly turning your HVAC system off and on? Chances are, the HVAC system itself is the problem, rather than some mischievous spirit. You may have simply purchased an oversized HVAC system that heats or cools the room too quickly, which is what leads to the start-stop operation.
In addition to noticeably intermittent operation that could result in premature damage, oversized HVAC systems don’t properly regulate relative indoor humidity. This results in uncomfortably clammy beds, which has nothing to do with ghosts or ghouls. An air conditioning installation company like us can help determine the right HVAC system size for your home during installation.
Creaking and Groaning in the Night
Do random creaking sounds wake you up in the night during Halloween season, or at other times of the year? If you happen to own an old metal furnace, the two may be related. As your local heating and cooling experts, we can confirm that it’s most likely your furnace which is responsible for these strange noises, rather than a disturbed spirit. In fact, the full explanation is fairly mundane. Metal objects–like a traditional furnace, for example–expand as they’re heated, and sometimes they creak and groan as they do so. The bigger the object, the louder the noise. These occurrences usually take place around the start of the heating season when homeowners start using their furnaces again. These sounds should cease on their own once the metal returns back to its normal state.
Superior Air is your leading provider of heating and air conditioning maintenance and installation services. Give us a call at (800) 462-0020 or fill out our contact form. We serve customers in Visalia, CA, and nearby areas.